ocr: - North American Association of Wardens GSuperintrendenrs 10 September 1984 Mr. J. O'Sullivan Past President North American Association of wardens ames PRESIDENT Osutiven warden Post Office Box 160 RO. Bos anaicheem 160 Pentemary Prince Albert, Sask. mines Canada SeV Aibert, BAS Saskalotewan Canada, S6V SR6 A 1415 MMEDATE PAST PRESIDENT Laater Brd Mr. Robert Gold Teras Assistant Department Director e IOP) Corrections President ( Huntlle n Texas 74340 Neoteric Inc. 6622 North 57th Drive Tet Cart Rosinsos, MICE-PRESOENT warden Glendale, Arizona 85301 Connectiout Comectional Instnution Somer Corn ...